Ship Alignment System
Aligner 308
Static Alignment System

The Aligner 308 is designed for static alignment of shipboard weapon systems. It enables alignment afloat, simpler, faster and, always more accurate than conventional dry-dock alignment. Imposing minimal influence on the ship’s routines, the Aligner 308 implies huge savings in time and operational costs compared to using traditional methods.
- 20-001-050 – 100m Sensor Cable
- 11-001-009 – Sensor Unit
- 10-001-100 – Data Acquisition Unit
- 15-001-105 – Semi-Rugged PC
- 40-XXX-XXX – Gun (Boresight) Adapters wide range of calibers
- 11-012-001 – Theodolite
Tilt alignment
Simpler Than Ever
The Schill tilt-sensors and sensor adapters are designed to fit to any station, sensor or weapon. Regardless of which station the tilt-sensors are mounted on, our Aligner 308 software will guide the operator step by step through the most efficient alignment process for each specific station. All measurements are made relative to the MRP or the ship’s gyro.
The correction values generated from the alignment system, given in roll and pitch (and as tilt vector), are entered in to the weapon control system. The Aligner 308 will automatically test the alignment and verify the functionality of the weapon – sensor chain while still in harbor.

Azimuth alignment
Without line-of-sight
With the Aligner 308 an angle can be transferred between any two positions with no line-of-sight and without theodolites. The only prerequisite is that the ship is heeled 2-3 degrees from side to side.

Azimuth & Elevation Alignment
Impossible made possible
Using a theodolite aboard a ship afloat is fully possible. But instead of gravity, the MRP (datum plate) should be used as the reference. This is obtained by co-planning the theodolite to the MRP. By using a special theodolite adapter and a tilt sensor, the Aligner 308 provides the possibility to tilt align a theodolite to the MRP or ship’s gyro. After having aligned the theodolite also to the fore-aft-line, the theodolite is ready for azimuth and elevation alignment of any weapon station aboard. The dual-inclinometer based Tilt Sensor Units of the Aligner 308 makes this task incomparably easy, fast and accurate.
Using the same method and two theodolites, angles can be transferred from one position to another aboard a ship afloat.
Aligner 308
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