Over the years Schill has delivered over 200 Gun Boresight Adapters. Late 2022 we released an updated version of our Gun (boresight) Adapter. The Gun adapter is known for the exceptional accuracy and repeatability. The new updated version guarantees even better repeatability and accuracy.
General upgrade
We have noticed that over time the gun adapter, which is mounted into the gun barrel, wears out. The consequence of this is that, after years of use, the repeatability of positioning of the gun barrel mounted adapter is degraded because of some play between the gun barrel adapter and the barrel. An upgrade is available, for our old adapters to assimilate the accuracy and repeatability equivalent to our new adapters.
The rebuild guaranties both elimination of the play and provides repeatability with exceptional result.
All new gun (boresight) adapters manufactured has this feature.
Recommendations: Upgrade of all legacy gun (boresight) adapters when worn out.

Update of adapter plate
Some of our old adapters have a solid adapter plate (the plate on which the camera or the tilt sensor is mounted) which has fixed edges on both sides of the adapter plate. Those edges are made in the same piece of metal as the adapter plate. Small damages on the edges that are barely visible causes misalignment of the parallelism. The parallelism between those edges on both sides of the adapter plate is then tricky to verify. That means that when measuring with the camera which is done on both sides of the adapter plate (0 and 180 degrees), the parallelism between those two measurements isn’t verified to 100%. The solution on the upgraded adapter plate is to remove the fixed edges and add a manually attached edge. The parallelism of the adapter plate is then 100% accurate.
Recommendations: The old adapter plate is still functional for measurements with tilt sensors, but we recommend an upgrade for those adapters that are used for camera measurements.
Adapter plate fixture
The adapter plate fixture is the interface between the adapter plate and the boresight adapter. The old adapter plate fixture is mounted in such a way that when the Gun (boresight) adapter is turned 180 degrees, there is an offset in the camera view compared with 0 degrees. With the new adapter plate fixture, there is no offset in the camera view between 0 degrees and 180 degrees.
Recommendations: The old adapter plate fixture is still functional for measurements with tilt sensor, but we recommend an upgrade for those adapters that are used for camera measurements.
Expansion Nut
Over time the gun adapter, which is mounted in the gun barrel, wears out. The consequence of this is that the repeatability of positioning of the gun barrel mounted adapter is degraded. There is sometimes a play in the gun barrel adapter. The solution to this is a rebuild and calibration of the gun barrel adapter, consisting of a Expansion nut. All new gun (boresight) adapters manufactured has this feature.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
Best regards
Bjorn Gustafsson
Senior Technical Sales Manager